Lead poisoning affects 20% Kolkata kids (14 ก.ค. 56 / July 14, 2013)

Prithvijit Mitra, TNN

Times of India 14 กรกฎาคม 2556 / July 14, 2013

Lead poisoning affects 20% Kolkata kids

Prithvijit Mitra, TNN

KOLKATA: It's a silent killer that could be taking a heavy toll on young children. A study by doctors in Kolkata reveals that at least 20% of the city's children are affected by lead poisoning, which is turning out to be a bigger threat than anyone imagines.

Sixty percent of the Kolkata samples tested positive for lead poisoning. This is twice the national average. What makes it even scarier is that the symptoms are too subtle to be noticed. By the time, parents realize something is wrong, the damage is already done and the child is destined for a lifetime of ailments.

When 10-year-old Rajib Ray started faring poorly in school, his parents thought he had stopped being attentive in class. His grades steadily went down but his parents got alarmed only when he failed the final exam. "He was fairly good in studies, so it was a bit surprising. Then, we found that he couldn't memorize his lessons despite trying hard. When we took him to the doctor, we were told that it could be the fallout of lead poisoning. We got his blood tested and our worst fears came true. It was probably the lead-based paint on his toys that poisoned him," said Ruchira Ray, his mother.

Toys are primarily to blame. Though some of the more reputable firms ensure lead-free paint and safe plastic, the majority of the toys have toxic paint that is absorbed even through the baby's tender skin. A host of other daily-use items may also be hazardous, like cheap plastic mugs, lead pencils, cheap colours and crayons. Wall paints can also be very dangerous, warn doctors.

The level of lead in blood should not be more than 10 micorgrams/dL in children and no more than 20 micrograms/dL for adults. But 150 of the 250 blood samples of Kolkata kids tested at a Mumbai laboratory showed alarmingly high levels of lead contamination. Every fifth child in Kolkata is believed to be a victim of lead toxicity. Children are more susceptible because they have smaller bodies.

The rise in the number of children suffering from irritability, fatigue, weight loss, memory loss and abdominal pain is directly linked to lead poisoning, says preventive medicine specialist Debashish Basu, who led a team of five doctors to conduct the study. "In the long term, it could lead to neurological disorders, bone damage, muscular weakness and reduced sperm count. It could also lead to high blood pressure and a decline in mental functioning. By the time these symptoms start hinting at possible lead poisoning, the damage has been done," said Basu.

Polluted water and soil, some medicines and cheap cosmetics could also be responsible, says the study. "In many cases, these products violate the maximum permissible limit of lead in colour additives. Scratching their surfaces releases lead dust which easily gets into children. Since lead can't be ejected by the system, it remains stored in the body and generates toxicity," said Basu.

In some cases, children get affected if their parents work in hazardous industries where lead is used. But in Kolkata, the primary sources of lead toxicity are believed to paints and pencils used by kids. Paint peeling off the walls can be the most dangerous as it produced lead dust that easily affects children. "Anaemia and gum infection among children is often an indicator of lead poisoning. Also, it slows down cerebral functioning leading to loss of memory and poor academic performance. These symptoms are significantly common among children in Kolkata," said critical care specialist Arindam Kar. Paeditrician Shantanu Ray agreed. "Anaemia is the most common symptom. But lead poisoning is rarely detected until the child starts having difficulty in memorizing lessons. Toys and even cooking utensils are often the source of lead," said Ray.

The best way to control the health hazards caused due to lead exposure is prevention, says Sandeep Warghade, in-charge of clinical chemistry at the Metropolis Healthcare laboratory in Mumbai. "If your child thinks or acts slowly, there could be a reason to be concerned. Since it is very common among children, consult your physician if you see the symptoms indicative of lead poisoning. The smaller and growing bodies of children make them more susceptible to lead," said Warghade.