EARTH Thailand


Sampling and its principles

By Jan  Nezhyba, Program Toxic Substances and Waste, Arnika, 2013

This presentation describes the whole complete sampling process and how to handle the sampling plan.


Report Mercury in the Global Environment: Patterns of Global Seafood Mercury Concentrations and their Relationship with Human Health

Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI), December 2012

This report, produced by Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI), examines seafood mercury concentrations from existing reputable sources and presents collated data on different types of seafood with the goal of explaining the significance of these findings as they relate to ecological and human health. The report provides insight into the species of marine organisms with greatest concentrations of mercury. These data are then related to global seafood capture data to provide insight into the potential risks associated with consumption of marine species with high mercury concentrations.


An Overview of Epidemiological Evidence on the Effects of Methylmercury on Brain Development, and A Rationale for a Lower Definition of Tolerable Exposure

Zero Mercury Working Group, prepared by Edward Groth, December 2012

It has been well known since about 1960 that methylmercury damages the developing brain. As research has progressed and methods have improved over the years, new evidence has consistently shown that harmful effects occur at lower levels of exposure than was previously recognized. National and international government agencies have defined “tolerable exposure” limits, which are levels of intake of methylmercury believed, based on evidence available when they were set, to describe “safe” exposure, i.e., a level of intake sufficiently far below any exposure known to be harmful that it is reasonably certain to pose only a negligible risk, even to sensitive individuals and populations.


Mercury Contamination, Exposures and Risk: A New Global Picture Emerges

Zero Mercury Working group, December 2012

Mercury is a well-known and dangerous toxic pollutant that contaminates fish around the world.  There has been a 3-fold increase in mercury since preindustrial times and a recent study indicates that mercury accumulation in the oceans correlates with the rising tide of mercury pollution. Mercury has no respect for national or regional boundaries.  It can travel long distances through the atmosphere and deposit far from its original source, where bacteria absorb it and convert it to a very toxic form, methylmercury, which works its way up the food chain into humans.


Experiences & Understandings of the Human-Ecological Issues: Tasik Chini and Kiriwong Sites

By Penchom Saetang, Director, Ecological Alert and Recovery – Thailand (EARTH)

15 June 2012

Community Efforts in Addressing Human-Ecological Problems


Methyl Mercury Exposure at Niigata, Japan: Results of Neurological Examinations of 103 Adults

Authors: Kimio Maruyama, Takashi Yorifuji, Toshihide Tsuda, Tomoko Sekikawa, Hiroto Nakadaira, Hisashi Saito, June 2012

Large-scale poisonings caused by methyl mercury (MeHg) have occurred in Japan (Minamata in the 1950s and Niigata in the 1960s) and Iraq (in the 1970s). The current WHO neurological risk standard for adult exposure (hair level: 50 µg/g) was based partly om evidence from Niigata which did not consider any cases who were diagnosed later and/or exposed to low level of MeHg (hair mercury level less than 50 µg/g). 


Industrial Pollution Impact and the PRTR Development in Thailand

By Penchom Saetang, Walaiporn Mooksuwan, Ecological Alert and Recovery – Thailand (EARTH)

29 May 2011

Explosion of the Bangkok Port’s Chemical Warehouse in March 1991: a starting point of the public demand for the right to know about the chemical information. Around 650 houses burnt down with over 5,000 slum residents, fire fighters and concerned people exposed to the toxic chemical fumes, 4 sudden death and over 100 victims proved to have chronic illness and serious health impact caused by the unknown chemical substances. The incident has important impact in Thailand’ environmental-related law reform. read more...

The Battery Report: Result of a Preliminary survey on Managing Expired Cell Phone Batteries in Thailand

By Ecological Alert and Recovery-Thailand (EARTH), Supported by International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN), October 2010

Modern humans are not only reliant but it could be argued that they are now dependent on electronic technology. In the realm of telecommunications, especially, there is continuous development of and demand for electronic products. As a result, the increased rate of electronic waste (e-waste) has grown enormously (currently estimated at 40 million tones per year by the United Nations) increase is continuing. Cell phones, in particular, will be disposed of at a rate approximately ten times higher in China and 18 times higher in India in the next ten year period.


Pollutant Release and Transfer Register – Important Tool for NGOs Working on Chemicals

Powerpoint Presentation from the IPEN General Assembly, 22 October 2010

By RNDr. Jindřich Petrlík, Arnika Association



Literature Review: The Impact of Mercury on Human Health

Mercury Disability Board, 2010

The approach used by the Mercury Disability Board to assess whether or not an applicant has signs or symptoms consistent with mercury poisoning was designed based on the state of science and knowledge of the impact of mercury on human health in the 1980s. In 2009 the Board commissioned a review of the literature to determine if there is new knowledge that might in some way inform the Board's work. Proposals were sought from senior scientists who have published in this field in the scholarly literature. Drs. Laurie Chan and Donna Mergler were engaged in July, 2009 to complete the work.