EARTH Thailand

Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Vicinity of Waste Incinerators in Phuket

Report prepared by: Arnika - Toxics and Waste Programme) EARTH and IPEN | May 2024



The report has focused on additional monitoring of food and biota in surrounding of Phuket waste incinerator. The aim of sampling and monitoring in surrounding of municipal waste incinerators in Phuket was to obtain more data about contamination by POPs, including their presence in food chain represented by free-range chicken eggs. High concentrations of POPs, particularly PCDD/Fs and dl PCBs, have been repeatedly detected around the MSWIs in Phuket, and PBDEs, PFASs and MCCPs were detected recently there. 


The free-range chicken eggs sample from the vicinity of MSWIs in Phuket, sampled in 2022, ranked among the samples with the highest concentrations of POPs in Asia: it contained the highest recorded level of PBDEs to date and one of the highest concentrations of PCDD/Fs, with the PFOS concentration also being high. Given that these substances persist in the environment for a long time, they can contaminate the surrounding environment for extended periods and infiltrate food chains, which has already been partially confirmed by their high concentrations in free-range chicken eggs and marine organisms. 


This should be taken into account when making decisions about waste management on the island. Waste prevention and zero waste strategies, as recommended by the BAT/BEP Guidelines of the Stockholm Convention, should be better reflected in decisions about further development. 


Alarmingly high concentrations of POPs in the wastes produced by MSWIs highlight the need for far more cautious handling than simple landfill disposal near mangrove swamps and local residences. Tightening internationally established regulations, especially for PCDD/Fs, dl PCBs, and PFASs in wastes, would send a stronger signal for the management of WI residues in developing countries.


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