Call for Proposals to support communities affected by industrial pollution
Maximum fund of 150,000 Thai Baht/grant (780,000THB in total).
Deadline for submitting: 5th July 2019
Questions and submissions can be sent to email: | Tel.: 029525061
Call for proposals from the small grant programme, including the conditions for applying, can be found in Thai on EARTH’s website:
Eligibility Criteria
1. Applicants must be a group of citizens affected by industrial pollution in the proposed action’s target areas, and must include at least one Pollution Monitoring Volunteer
2. Proposed activities must demonstrate a purpose to address the problem of industrial pollution in the proposed action’s target areas
3. Applicants must have a system to ensure financial transparency, including but not limited to 2 in 3 co-signers of financial transactions, a basic report of expenses, and a progress report submitted every six months 4. Applicants must hold regular group meetings at least once a month, verifiable by participant signatures
5. Proposed activities must be for public interest, not personal gain.
Jointly implemented by: EARTH (Thailand) and Arnika Association (Czechia) under the project: “Public participation through citizen science and EIA system enhancement” (Funded with support from the European Union)