EARTH Thailand

Industry Minister assures Cabinet resolution to end gold mining still stands

National News Bureau of Thailand (NNT)  14 June 2016

BANGKOK – The Ministry of Industry has corrected rumors being spread online that a Cabinet resolution to end gold mining in the country has been cancelled.

Industry Ministry Spokesperson Somchai Hanhiran has explained the misunderstanding was likely based on a recent amendment to the resolution, which altered some details of the decision, assuring that the order is still in effect.

The resolution was made between the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Industry and cancelled the issuing of licenses for the surveying and mining of gold ore. The decision also barred an extension of Akra Resources’ permit to mine gold and compels it to shut down its operations.

On a mine stretching across Pichit, Pitsanulok and Petchabun provinces, the spokesperson said its license will last only until December 31 of this year to allow its employees to wind down their work.